We are proud to introduce the 2021 Lawdragon 500 Leading Lawyers in America. Click here to see the press release.

These are the plaintiffs’ lawyers and voting rights advocates, litigators and dealmakers who have joined arm in arm to turn the page on hard times. They kept showing up. Whether to help a client running a strapped business to find liquidity, ensure a social media company paid for invading a populace’s privacy or advocate in the most important election of their lifetime.

They won compensation for people wrongfully convicted and imprisoned. And fought for the rights of immigrants and so many others crushed in a cold, cruel winter.

But today – even with a blizzard coming – it feels like spring.

We’re not quite ushering in the Roaring ‘20s, mind you, but we are hopeful that with the help of the amazing lawyers featured here and the tens of thousands of others considered for this guide, we will emerge. Stronger. Better. More equal.

United. For if lawyers can’t get it together on right and wrong – and a better day for justice – how on earth do we expect that from a nation?

This amazing representation of America’s legal system is 40 percent female and 25 percent inclusive.

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